Solicitation Issue Date: August 16, 2020
Responses Due: October 1, 2021, 12:00 pm (PST)
Please submit proposals electronically to
Hard copy proposals will not be accepted
The Sonoma Resource Conservation District (RCD) is pleased to invite you to respond to this Request for Proposals (RFP) for Managed IT Services. The intention of this RFP is to solicit responses and formal proposals from qualified Managed IT Services Providers (MSPs) and select a single organization to provide IT services to the RCD.
The RCD’s mission is to bridge the needs of the community and natural resources by empowering people through reliable expertise and action to strengthen the resilience of Sonoma County.
Since 1946, the RCD has facilitated natural resource conservation through community involvement, education, technical expertise and scientific research. We are committed to utilizing voluntary, cooperative and scientifically sound methods to ensure that the natural resources of the watersheds within the District are sustained, conserved, restored and protected within a landscape of productive agriculture, growing cities, and wild lands.
As a legal subdivision of the State of California, the RCD is organized to support natural resource management solutions through partnerships with individuals, organizations and agencies. We collaborate to drive conservation initiatives locally, regionally and statewide.
We are overseen by a seven-member Board of Directors and several Associate Directors who volunteer their time for the benefit of local landowners and land managers and their natural resource concerns. Directors are local landowners in the district and are actively engaged with rural, agricultural, and natural resource conservation issues and businesses. The RCD receives between 3-5% of our annual budget from the county tax base. The remainder of RCD’s annual budget comes from competitively sought grant funding and fee for service contracts to support our mission and the conservation needs of Sonoma County.
For more information, please visit
View & Download PDF: RFP Managed Information Technology Services
View & Download PDF: RFP Managed Information Technology Services – ADDENDUM 1 Q&A