2024 E-Newsletters

August (8/29/2024) TEAM Field Trips now open, Welcome Colin, Workshop Recap: Forest Health Management in the Wildland-Urban Intermix, Sonoma County RCDs Accepting Applications to Fund Conservation Practices, and Lots of upcoming partner events, resources & activities!

July (7/29/2024) Revitalizing Gualala: A Collaborative Watershed Management Plan, CRAM Training: Enhancing Our Wetland and Riparian Assessment Capabilities, and Agricultural Producer Working Group!

June (6/28/2024) Learning on the Land at Eames Ranch, Foresters Training Exchange, Using Data to Prioritize Projects and grant opportunities!

May (5/31/2024) US House Passes Historic Legislation Defining Special Districts, Fuels Reduction Project near Trinity Road, and more!

April (4/30/2024) TEAM Trips at Dutton Apple Orchard, Carbon Sequestration Through Compost Application, and partner workshops!

March (3/29/2024) Watch Duty video highlights RCD efforts, Sonoma County seed amplification project, and we’re hiring!

February (2/26/2024) Seeking producers for Technical Advisory Committee, on-farm field trips this spring, and upcoming workshops!

January (1/25/2024) Protecting our communities and natural resources, creating career pathways, we’re hiring, and more!

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