Pine Flat Prescribed Burning Public Notice
Sonoma RCD is partnering with Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District, CALFIRE, and private forest landowners to conduct prescribed fire operations near Pine Flat Road in the Geyserville Area. Operations are planned for Sunday and possibly Monday 11/12-13/2023, and smoke may be visible during this time. Over the last year we have worked with crews, funded by the Sonoma County Vegetation Management Grants Program, to prepare the area for this fuel hazard reduction work in one of the county’s most fire-prone areas. The District has had to postpone prescribed burning due to the late grape harvest and is taking advantage of weather opportunities to implement prescribed burning where possible. More prescribing burn may occur in the upcoming weeks based upon suitable weather to meet objectives and managing smoke impacts. These prescribed burns are restoring a natural disturbance regime to the landscape and reducing our wildfire hazard by decreasing ember production during wind driven wildfires.
For more informaion on our forest management efforts throughout Sonoma County please contact Jason Wells, Director of Forestry at