Your Local Partner in Conservation
Acting as a dot connector, a bridge builder, and innovative collaborator, we work to provide the best technical and educational resources to solve our most complex natural resource issues. We partner for conservation solutions.

Protecting Our Watersheds
The RCD works tirelessly with rural, agricultural, and urban partners to support healthy ecosystems, habitat and biodiversity, and ensure sustainable, high-quality water supplies for people and wildlife.

Supporting Agriculture
Our programs for farmers, ranchers, and local schools help ensure viable local agriculture while also helping agriculture to be of service to the environment.
What's New at Your RCD
How We Can Better Use Data to Prioritize Projects
Sonoma RCD is part of two Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Programs funded by the California Department of Conservation (DOC): the North Coast Resource Partnership (which covers the Russian River watershed) and the Inner Coast Collaborative (which covers the Petaluma River and Sonoma Creek watersheds). These programs focus on helping organizations like RCDs, land trusts, and open space districts improve forest health and fire resiliency.
Sonoma County RCDs Accepting Applications to Fund Conservation Practices
Sonoma and Gold Ridge RCDs are accepting applications to fund conservation projects for local socially disadvantaged and historically underserved farmers and ranchers. Some project ideas include cover crops, grazing, compost application, hedgerow installation, and many more!
June eNewsletter
District News // Learning on the Land at Eames Ranch, Foresters Training Exchange, Using Data to Prioritize Projects, Support Mill Creek Flow Through Rainwater Catchment & Forbearance, Sonoma County RCDs Accepting Applications to fund conservation practices, & much more!
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