The Sonoma RCD regularly seeks Request for Qualifications, Proposals, and or Bids for conservation projects across our district. We will post opportunities on this page when available. If you are interested in being contacted for bidding opportunities, please email us at to get on our contractors list. Please note that all proposals will be posted here on our website as they become available.

Current RFQs, RFPs or Bids

Construction Bid Package Mill Creek Phase 2A


For general RFQ, RFP, or Bid inquiries please email


Below you will find a list of past awarded contracts:


Project Funder  Details  Date Awarded Amount
WCB Coastal Rainwater Catchment CA Wildlife Conservation Board 21 rainwater catchment projects totally 240,000 gallons 2018 Charles Hope Construction  $768,645
CDFW-UMW-ForestMgt2018 CA Department of Fish and Wildlife 4 miles of sediment reduction on roads 2020 Mark Mann  $195,755
SWRCB_319h_PostFire_RB1 CA State Water Resources Control Board Pepperwood Roads 2020 Mark Mann  $24,458
SWRCB_319h_PostFire_RB1 CA State Water Resources Control Board Tubbs 3–road work 2020 Mark Mann  $18,310
Mark West Rainwater Catchment Project CA Wildlife Conservation Board/National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 10,000 gallon rainwater catchment project 2021 M3 Integrated Services, Inc.  $50,080
SoCoVegMgt_MarkWest_2022 Sonoma County 100′ defensible Space–55 homes 2021 Atlas Trees  $163,275
SoCoVegMgt_MarkWest_2022 Sonoma County Shaded Fuel break 3 miles 2021 Spye General Engineering  $56,322
SWRCB_319h_PostFire_RB1 CA State Water Resources Control Board Puff Lane–road work 2021 Spye General Engineering  $97,300
SWRCB_319h_PostFire_RB1 CA State Water Resources Control Board MW Riparian Planting 2021 Spye General Engineering  $13,852
SWRCB_319h_PostFire_RB1 CA State Water Resources Control Board Pepperwood Gulch restoration 2021 Spye General Engineering  $45,581
SWRCB_319h_PostFire_RB1 CA State Water Resources Control Board Harrington–culvert repair and planting 2021 Spye General Engineering  $24,698
WCB Mark West Creek Water Storage – Phase 1 CA Wildlife Conservation Board 30,000 gallon and 25,000 gallon rainwater catchment project 2022 RH&Sons Water Services  $121,310
Wikiup Bridgeway Retaining Wall CA State Water Resources Control Board 50 ft long retaining wall 2022 Advanced Geotechniques, Inc.  $199,906
Sonoma Mountain Stormwater Project CA Department of Conservation 200,000 gallon rainwater catchment tank 2022 Shook & Waller  $243,738
Sonoma Mountain Stormwater Project CA Department of Conservation 200,000 gallon rainwater catchment tank 2022 American Tank Co., Inc  $205,283
SoCoVegMgt_Trinity_2022 Sonoma County Shaded fuel break   2022 Spye General Engineering  $177,966
SWRCB_319h_PostFireSonomaCreek_RB2 CA State Water Resources Control Board Nuns2–Bouverie_ACR–culvert 2022 Spye General Engineering  $24,570
SWRCB_319h_PostFireSonomaCreek_RB2 CA State Water Resources Control Board Nuns5- planting, invasive removal 2022 Spye General Engineering  $4,800
SWRCB_319h_PostFireSonomaCreek_RB2 CA State Water Resources Control Board Sonoma Mountain Zen Center–road project 2022 Spye General Engineering  $24,980
SWRCB_319h_PostFireSonomaCreek_RB2 CA State Water Resources Control Board Nuns5-Kobal–planting 2022 Sonoma Ecology Center  $49,680
SWRCB_319h_PostFireSonomaCreek_RB2 CA State Water Resources Control Board Sugarloaf Emergency Repair 2022 Sonoma Ecology Center  $20,000
WCB Mark West Creek Water Storage – Phase 2 CA Wildlife Conservation Board 25,000 gallon and 30,000 gallon rainwater catchment project 2023
WCB Mill Creek Water Storage – Phase 1A CA Wildlife Conservation Board 3 Water Storage/Rainwater Projects: 20,000 gallon, 20,000, and 25,000 gallon 2023
WCB Mill Creek Water Storage – Phase 1B CA Wildlife Conservation Board 3 Rainwater Projects: 25,000 gallon, 25,000, and 15,000 gallon 2023