Celebrating over 75 years of serving our community.

Local and accountable.

Productive Lands. Thriving Streams.

Helping people help the land.

Building resiliency together.

Your Local Partner in Conservation

Acting as a dot connector, a bridge builder, and innovative collaborator, we work to provide the best technical and educational resources to solve our most complex natural resource issues. We partner for    conservation solutions.

Protecting Our Watersheds

The RCD works tirelessly with rural, agricultural, and urban partners to support healthy ecosystems, habitat and biodiversity, and ensure sustainable, high-quality water supplies for people and wildlife.

Supporting Agriculture

Our programs for farmers, ranchers, and local schools help ensure viable local agriculture while also helping agriculture to be of service to the environment.

Pine Flat Prescribed Burning Public Notice

Pine Flat Prescribed Burning Public Notice

Sonoma RCD is partnering with Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District, CALFIRE, and private forest landowners to conduct prescribed fire operations near Pine Flat Road in the Geyserville Area. Operations are planned for Sunday and possibly Monday 11/12-13/2023, and smoke may be visible during this time. Read more here >>>

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LandSmart® Grazing Phase III applications open!

LandSmart® Grazing Phase III applications open!

The LandSmart Grazing program will assist with planning a grazing project and help to assess the need of temporary infrastructure installation, such as electric fencing or portable livestock water. The majority of our funds will prioritize areas of high fire risk especially if there is a close proximity to at-risk, densely populated, or underserved communities. The deadline to apply for LandSmart Grazing is Friday, December 1st. Read more here >>

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October eNewsletter

October eNewsletter

District News // October eNewsletter: Our commitment to JEDI, LandSmart Grazing Phase III application open, and upcoming workshops + trainings

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